Distinct sounds which comes from the computer; distinguishably from the speakers and an audio problem!
I recently have installed something, after reboot my setting for practically everything that i have set for my admin profile has changed; even my firewall settings, and network access setting for ports_open/close?
I would like to submit these as my scanner do not detect that these tools are malicious nor do the submission of these as files that are suspicious to at Microsoft or Norton or any other one of the scanner and security programs that I have tried, and believe
me I have tried so many!
Now, when I First logged on to the INTERNET with the explorer, I used to be fine surfing the web without my explorer making systems *beeps after load and reload of most known and frequented pages that I view before I made the install of a program.
I want to submit it for a review, as it is a Microsoft product and since that those program seems to be the one that is causing my scanner to pick up an spy-ware\ad-ware cookie all over the place IE when I run my messenger this cookie seems to be found all
the time and causes my scanner to have quarantine and then it picks it up again but now the cookie is renamed and my scanner has to reboot to neutralize the virus, it also has given it self permission to access my files at My Live account
Now since I have the cookie blocked under my privacy settings, amongst much more then i usually have received before the install, I get system beeps? i am unable to revert back with my setting switch for visual effect and other tweaks to windows vista home
Even if I switch users and have made the changes and rebooted the settings are not changed.
I would submit these files for a review to an IT pro at Microsoft for help, but they do not find anything a problem.
-Match It's A Guy thing
Solutions to the Problem Distinct sounds which comes from the computer; distinguishably from the speakers and an audio problem!
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Well I seem to have; from my understanding, fixed my computer. I have lost my restore files because I got suspicious and cleared them along with the disk and most cache. But that is my fault.
I have also executed swap page files.
Am I up set about this?
Yes, I have now set admin permissions correctly, I think, but unsure because I am not a pro and still am not sure what permissions are to be, OS wise, on the hard disk and other partitions!.
Like I have stated, I am not a pro, but with what I now know about
my Vista OS is small, but more then what I had knowen before this happened, I never used WinXP much, so not sure what was changed in Vista and kept when moving to Vista from a XP OS, Never had XP OS.
Basically, I resorted to do an unorthodox approach and probably not recommended way, but solved the issues at hand, which was a program that basically set security permissions to an admin account that which resulted the administrator losing some access that
was previously granted on OS install and made them irreversible to the admin change even if he resorted back ta a restore point and or un-installed the program, change or created new users accounts.
I simply created a new admin account, rebooted into safe mode, logged into the new admin account and removed the old admin account after copying the files I had.
I then had some difficulty with setting permissions without corrupting the recycle bin files
on the OS hard disk.
Ultimately, I have to take control of the object first, then take control of the OS hard disk.
This way I did not corrupt the recycle bin files on the OS hard disk. I am Not with suspicion because when I had taken control over the object
on the OS hard disk, there were 16 files that which I was unable to take control over.
This being, to my educated guess is because I had not actually logged into my account while not in safe mode.
One of the objects included the Page file.
So I am guessing
it was because of the OS needed these 16 files to administer the correct privilege's to which are automatically done to help with the system and service components use and control of windows, to aid the admin user?
any insight or opinions are welcome.
if there are more correct ways to revert back to having Your admin permissions returned to you.
Please let me know.
Thank you.
-Match It's A Guy thing
Manually editing the Windows registry to fix Error Distinct sounds which comes from the computer; distinguishably from the speakers and an audio problem!
Caution: Unless you an advanced computer user, we DO NOT recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
- Click the Start button.
- Type "command" in the search box... DO NOT hit ENTER yet!
- While holding CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, hit ENTER.
- You will be prompted with a permission dialog box.
- Click Yes.
- A black box will open with a blinking cursor.
- Type "regedit" and hit ENTER.
- In the Registry Editor, select the Error 0x9C-related key (eg. Windows Operating System) you want to back up.
- From the File menu, choose Export.
- In the Save In list, select the folder where you want to save the Windows Operating System backup key.
- In the File Name box, type a name for your backup file, such as "Windows Operating System Backup".
- In the Export Range box, be sure that "Selected branch" is selected.
- Click Save.
- The file is then saved with a .reg file extension.
- You now have a backup of your MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION-related registry entry.
Another Safe way to Fix the Problem: Distinct sounds which comes from the computer; distinguishably from the speakers and an audio problem!:

How to Fix Distinct sounds which comes from the computer; distinguishably from the speakers and an audio problem! with SmartPCFixer?
1. Download Error Fixer . Install it on your system. Click Scan, and it will perform a scan for your computer. The errors will be shown in the scan result.

2. After the scan is done, you can see the errors and problems which need to be fixed.

3. The Repair part is done, the speed of your computer will be much higher than before and the errors have been removed. You can also use other functions in SmartPCFixer. Like dll downloading, junk file cleaning and print spooler error repair.

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